The Escape the 9-5 Podcast

44. 5 Reasons You Haven't Been Able to Make Money Online YET

Marissa Dahlin Episode 44

Have you been struggling to make money online?

In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing 5 reasons why you might be struggling to make money online.

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So whether you're selling someone else's products or your own products, you need to believe in what you're selling. You need to radiate that this product or this offer is the best thing ever. And that's when selling becomes a million times easier. When you can say, hey, I'm a product of this product. And you know, these are the results that I saw. Or this is how my life is now better because of this product. And this is why I believe in this wholeheartedly, and I know you're gonna love this product too.

Hey there, I'm Marissa. And I want to personally welcome you to the escape the nine to five podcast, where we discuss all things and making money online and creating a life that you love.

After losing my dad at 19, I learned how short life can be. And because of this, I now know that making money online is about so much more than an extra paycheck. It's about freedom. It's about options. And it's about having the opportunity to spend your time on this planet, your way. Thank you so much for tuning in. Now it's time to dive into today's episode.

Hey, guys, and welcome back to another episode of the escape the nine to five podcast.

All right, so I have kind of a bunch of little topics that I've been wanting to talk about on the podcast for quite a while now. But a lot of these items aren't enough for full podcast episodes. So I decided that I'm gonna bundle a few of these topics up for today's episode, all about why you haven't been able to make money online yet, or why you haven't been able to make even much money.

Now yet is the key word here. Because I know for a fact that you can make money online. It's really just a matter of finding the right process and the right guidance. And you know, if your goal is to make money online, you're in the right place here, because this podcast is all about making money online, and ultimately being able to ditch your nine to five.

All right, so five reasons why you might not be making money online yet. Let's do this.

All right. So the first reason you might be struggling to make money online is because you're selling products or offers that you don't feel 100% confident in.

Now, let me explain what I mean here, because there are kind of two sides to this. So I see a lot of people, especially when it comes to network marketing, affiliate marketing, and drop shipping, that are selling products that they've never touched or never consumed. And you guys, this is so hard to do, it's really hard to sell something that you've never used yourself, mostly because you don't know what it's actually like, like, yeah, you can look at the product description, but that's what everyone else is looking at too. And at the end of the day, you don't have all of the details, you don't know if it truly works, or even if it's a high quality product. And if you don't fully believe in a product because you've never used it or you've never seen a result yourself, selling is going to be extremely difficult. And there's a good chance that you're not going to end up promoting your product as much as you should, or really as confidently as you could be.

Now with all that being said, I know that there's this idea out there of like, oh, wow, you can make money online by selling other people's products, you never have to touch the product or even buy it, you don't have to have inventory. You can just sell other people's products or wholesalers products and make commissions. And you know, that's great and all. But if you're going to do this, I highly recommend buying whatever you're selling, so that you can really see the ins and outs of whatever it is. And so that you can make sure it's a really high quality product that you 100% believe in. Because at the end of the day, I mean more so if you're a personal brand, but your name is going to be tied to that product. And that's going to reflect on you. So you want to really make sure that you're selling a product that you feel so good about. And you know, it should be something that you would feel comfortable selling to your friends, your family, heck, even your grandma if it came down to it. Okay.

All right. Now the other side to this is more so creating your own products. Again, if you don't believe in what you're selling 1,000% It's going to be hard to sell. It's going to be hard to convince other people to believe in your product when you don't even believe in it. And odds are people are going to catch on to that too. So if you don't believe in what you're creating and selling, it might be a matter of starting completely fresh, but it's likely a matter of enhancing

In the value that you're providing, and I kind of talked about this in a previous podcast episode. So, you know, if you're selling an online course, and maybe you know, it's a great course, but the offer just doesn't feel quite right or you don't feel 100% about it, you can always add in some bonus resources or some type of one on one support, or maybe you offer a little audit, like there are a lot of different ways that you can provide additional value to get to this point where you feel really good about your offer. And, you know, that's the goal.

So whether you're selling someone else's products or your own products, you need to believe in what you're selling, you need to radiate that this product, or this offer is the best thing ever. And that's when selling becomes a million times easier. When you can say, hey, I'm a product of this product. And you know, these are the results that I saw, or this is how my life is now better because of this product. And this is why I believe in this wholeheartedly. And I know you're gonna love this product, too. Okay. So that's a reason number one that you might be struggling to make money online. And that's because you don't 1,000% believe in what you're offering or selling.

Okay, the next reason you might be struggling to make money online is because you're not doing enough selling. Basically, you're not talking about your offer enough. Here's the thing, I know that selling can be uncomfortable, like it's not something that typically comes naturally for most of us, including me. But if you want to make money online, you need to be selling, you need to be asking for the sale and telling people to buy.

So there are a few things that I want to say about this. For starters, if you're a business owner, when people sign up for your email list, or when people follow you on social media, they know that at some point, you're likely going to be selling them something like it shouldn't be some big surprise or some shock when you go to sell something. And realistically, if someone joins your email list or follows you on social, it's likely because they want to see what you have to offer, including paid offers. You know, I don't sign up for Target's email list and expect them to never sell me anything. And also, you know, because I love Target, I actually enjoy their emails, I want to see what deals are going on and what they've got for new arrivals. And at the end of the day, if there comes a time where I don't want to see their emails anymore, I'll just unsubscribe. It's not a big deal. Another thing to think about are kind of another thing that I want to mention is that when it comes to selling, sometimes it can feel like you're mentioning your offer a lot. Or maybe you feel like you don't want to be annoying. But I can tell you right now that people are likely not paying as much attention as you think they are. Yes, it can feel like you're being pushy or annoying sometimes. But let's be real. You're the one that seeing your offers the most. You're the one that's reading and rereading every offer email that you send out or every social media post that you make. You know, most people they're busy, most people have a lot going on. And there are distractions everywhere. And they likely aren't reading every email you send, and they're likely not seeing every single social media post that you create. Not only that, but people need to see your offer multiple times before they buy. I've heard that these days, people need to see your offer as many as 20 times before they consider buying. So just consider this your permission slip to talk about your offer more and don't think that you're being annoying. Just share it as much as you want or as much as you need. The last thing that I have to say about selling more is that there are people out there that need exactly what you have to offer. There are people out there that need your solution. And by not selling or by not talking about your offer, you're actually doing them a disservice. You're putting your feelings and your self doubt or this idea of being annoying, above the needs of your audience. So just stop doing that.

Sell your offers with confidence, talk about them often, and show up and provide solutions for the people that need your help.

All right. The third reason you might be struggling to make money online is because your audience is small. So if you've been in my world for a while, you know that I am huge on growing your audience, nurturing your audience and then creating irresistible offers and I truly believe that this is the backbone of any successful business. Now with that being said, if you have a small or even non existent audience, it's going to be really hard to make money online. At the end of the day, you could have the best offer in the world. You could have the most beautiful website. Heck, you could be offering bars of gold for $10 each. But if you have no one to share your offers with

They're no one to sell to, you likely aren't going to make very much money. So what it really comes down to is, you know, you could start a whole business, you could have everything set up, you can create an amazing product. But if you don't have a way or a strategy in place to grow your audience every day, you're gonna struggle. So you definitely need an audience growth strategy in place. And you know, that's literally the first thing we start doing inside of insight to income, we start growing your audience right away, because you need people to talk to, to connect with and ultimately people to sell to. All right, the next reason you might be struggling to make money online is because you haven't given it enough time.

I know it's not sexy, and it might not even be what you want to hear. But starting an online business and making money online takes time. And a lot of people give up before they even get to the good part, which just kind of kills me

when it comes down to it. And you know, it really depends on the business. But most of the time people are in my world, and they're consuming my content for 90 to 120 days before they buy anything. And I know that so I can plan my business around that. And I know that as I continue to create content and show up, new people become ready to buy every week. And as time goes on. And as my audience grows, the number of people that are ready to buy grows, too. So if you're struggling to make money online, and if you've been showing up consistently, so that's also a piece of the puzzle, it could be that you haven't given enough time. And with this, it could be a combination of other things, too. You know, it could be that you have a small audience, and you haven't given it enough time. So that's kind of a double whammy there. But you know, the more time that goes on, the more you're able to really grow and connect with your audience. And not only that, but your audience is going to see your offer or your offers over and over again. So everything really starts to snowball, because now all of a sudden you go to promote your program. And they've already heard of it a few times, or maybe they were kind of interested at the last time, but they were kind of on the fence. And you know, now it's finally the right time now that they've spent more time in your world.

Does that make sense?

All right. So the last reason that you might be struggling to make money online is because you don't have the right offer for your audience. So this is another reason I really recommend focusing on growing your audience first. It's because once you start to grow your audience, you now have people that you can communicate with, you now have people that can give you feedback. So when you have an audience, you can start to create offers around this specific audience, you can really get to the bottom of what they want, what they need, and what they'd actually be willing to buy. At this point, you weren't just guessing or creating a product that you think people would want. Instead, you're able to get some data and really create a product that's catered towards a specific group of people. And you know, it's catered towards solving that specific problem that they have. And at the end of the day, it's what they truly want and desire. And you know, they're willing to spend money to solve this problem.

So if you're struggling to make money online, it could be because you don't have the right offer or the right product for your audience. So at this point, I would recommend tweaking your offer. And if you still can't get it to sell, it might be a matter of scrapping your offer and starting fresh. Maybe you take some time to really grow and connect with your audience. And then you send them a survey, or you have some conversations and really get to the bottom of what they're looking for. And then you create a product or an offer around that. So you create exactly what they're asking for.

All right, you guys. So as an overview, the five reasons why you might be struggling to make money online include not feeling confident about what you're selling, you're not selling or you're not talking about your offer enough. You have a small audience, you haven't given your business enough time. And or your offer isn't quite right, or it isn't quite what your people need. Now, obviously, there are other reasons why you might be struggling to make money online. This could be the wrong business model. It could be lack of guidance. lack of consistency is a big one and more. But that's what I've got for you guys. Today. We are limiting it to five reasons. Now, if you're looking for a straightforward way to start making money online, I want to invite you to join insight to income, insight to income as my online business building program where we really focus on growing your audience, nurturing your audience, and then turning your knowledge and expertise in the irresistible digital products. So if you're struggling to make money online, or maybe you're too

Is dabbling with the idea of making money online. This is the program for you. So I'll link to that program in the show notes where you can learn more about insight to income, and you can also get signed up.

Alright you guys, that is all that I have for today. Thank you so much for tuning in. And I'll see you guys next week.